Evolution, Magik, & Change

Magik is real. Magik is surrounds us. I know this in my heart.

Knowing magik is real, is important. Its empowering and expansive.

Magik is just change.

Magik is the ability to EVOLVE.

Magik is just movement. Movement from one thing to another. Not necessarily in any direction. It’s just about energy going from one form to another. Just like ice melting, water evaporating, wood burning, or air blowing.

Magik is about adapting, which happens to be what humans are built to do. We are the ultimate adaptation units.

Water and the elements have a beautful way of demonstrating magik. For the elements are also all about movement of energy.

In fact humans are just made of up the 4 elements, which means we get our ability to exchange energy from the elements. We get our magikal abilities from the elements.

Believing in magik is all about ones perspective. ANd if you can change your perspective, one will see just how much magik is out there.

“Magic is just science that we don’t understand yet” 

– Arthur C. Clarke

“The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” 

– Y.B. Yeats

“Real magic is not about gaining power over others: it is about gaining power over yourself.”

-Rosemary Guiley

“Magic is easy if you put your heart into it.” 

-Michael Jackson

“Children see magic because they look for it.”

– Christopher Moore

“Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated. Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible.”

– Paulo Coelho