Still Water Meditation
Place a drop of water in the palm of your hand.
The drop that you hold in your hand
Is part of the water which was the cradle of all life
On this planet Aeons ago
The first rain that splashed down on the hot earth
To form the first sea.
Each drop, in sunlight
Has risen from the sea in countless ages
And fallen to the earth again
As rain
The drop that you hold in your hand
Has been a prism forming myriad rainbows
Has traveled underground streams
Bubbling through the dark caverns
The Architect of cathedral caves
Formed valleys
And split granite
The drop that you hold in your hand
Has flowed down broad rivers
Has risen in the sap of trees
Has been the sweat of slaves
And the tears of children
It has become the foamed topped waves
And the deep unfathomable depths
Of vast dark lakes
And seas
The Drop you hold in your hand
Has been part of the great flood
It has been a dewdrop on a blade of grass
A drop that has been pounded
Through the hearts of whale in blood
And laid in an eagles egg
It has travelled in the fluid of a poet’s brain
And dripped from the wounds of the dying
The drop that you hold in your hand
Has been trapped in the snows of the arctic
Reflected in the sun in a desert oasis
And refreshed the weary
This drop
Unimaginably old
Yet fresh and new
Is evaporating slowly in your hand
To mingle with air you breathe, perhaps
Or drift in a sun topped cloud
A thousand feet above the earth
Imagine its journey from your hand
Where will it go ?
You can direct its journey
As it evaporates
Send consciousness with it
It Is the water of Life
It is still water
“In time and with water, everything changes.”
-Leonardo da VInci

“If there is Magic on this planet, it’s contained in water.”
-Loren Eiseley

“If you want to see a rainbow you have to learn to see the rain.”
Paulo Coelho
“A drop of water, if it could write out its own history, would explain the universe to us.”
– Lucy Larcom

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”
– W. H. Auden

“Water is the driving force of all nature.”
-Leonardo da Vinci

“I feel most at home in the water. I disappear. That’s where I belong.”
– Michael Phelps

“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop”

-Vivian Greene
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

“We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.”
-Jacques Yves Cousteau

Tao Te Ching – Verse 8
The supreme good is like water,
which nourishes all things without trying to.
It is content with the low places that people disdain.
Thus it is like the Tao.
In dwelling, live close to the ground.
In thinking, keep to the simple.
In conflict, be fair and generous.
In governing, don’t try to control.
In work, do what you enjoy.
In family life, be completely present.
When you are content to be simply yourself
and don’t compare or compete,
everybody will respect you.
(translation by Stephen Mitchell, 1995)